Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pj and the dentist

We took Pj to his very first dentist appt. back in July and he needed a little work done. Yesterday we went back to have one filling done. The dentist tried laughing gas and it did nothing, Pj was totally alert and there was no way they were getting in his mouth. They gave him some medication to make him sleepy. Well that med didn't help much either. It took 2 hours to get one filling done and he screamed and fought the whole time. My job was to hold his arms and legs. It was exhausting. The medication they gave him kicked in at 5pm when they were done. He was out of it and slept from 5pm last night until 7 am this morning. Good thing is his tooth is fixed but man was that an experience. The other boys both knocked out with the laughing gas. So Pj is staying home with me today and relaxing from the ordeal.
Have a good Tues.

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