Friday, November 12, 2010

A Thankgiving bento for the boys.

With Thanksgiving just around the corner I decided that the boys might enjoy a fun themed bento for lunch.

The kids had the day off so I had a little extra time to spend on it as well as the no traveling factor on my side. I actually was so excited to make this that I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about it. I know I am losing it. I feel like since graduating from art school I don't get to use my creativity all as much as I would like to. The great thing with bento's is they can be as simple as a waste free lunch packed into a tupperware all the way to an art piece in a tupperware. I am really enjoying this and I think the boys are as well.
There are a few bento blogs that I follow and love to read for ideas and inspiration. I was reading one of my new favorites and they have a fun November themed lunch bento contest. I decided that feeling a little under the weather, the kids home from school, and a clean house all lead me to have a little extra time to throw a Thanksgiving themed meal together. Oh and did I mention that the cucumber and some of the carrot is from our very own garden? Our first carrot and cucumber of the season. Very exciting! and the kids got to see the whole process from seed, sprout, growing and eating the veggies.
What is for lunch?

- A "turkey" sandwich (haha, I couldn't resist that one) He is made of whole wheat bread, turkey, a slice of cheese (all were cut with the rim of a cup) His feathers are carrots and cucumber stuck in between the 2 slices of bread. His face is simply some of the crust of the bread glued down with a little mayo. His face is 2 circle of string cheese cut out with a straw and I drew his pupils with food market although olive would work too. His beak is the edge of the slices cheese from in the sandwich, and his hanging thing (I have no idea what that is actually called) is carrot. His feet are also cut from the edge of the cheese I used in the sandwich.

- A veggie and cheese kabob and ranch dressing. All I did for this was skewer some string cheese, cucumber and carrot on a appetizer pick and add a side of ranch.
- 2 leaf cookies that we had in the cabinet.
- a handful of organic graham cracker squares from Trader Joe's
- our own trail mix recipe that has organic raisins, raw cashews, dried cranberries, and white chocolate chips all from the bins at Henry's.
-and last but not least a cornucopia of fruit and yogurt. I simply raided the kids leftover Halloween candy for large tootsie rolls. I threw them into the microwave for 5 seconds. Once they were soft  I  twisted them to make a cornucopia. I filled the toosie roll with Greek style yogurt that was sweetened with a touch of honey. I cut up grapes and strawberries and layered them into the yogurt. Surprisingly this was the first thing the kids went for in the box.

So there you have it. A fun and healthy Thanksgiving themed bento that the boys loved!

Have a great weekend. Oh ya, by the way diet is still going awesome and I am starting to feel a little better from this darn cold and sore throat.


Anonymous said...

Love it Ali, that is too cute!

Anonymous said...

The turkey is adorable! And I like the idea of the yogurt in the cornucopia. How did you keep it from getting soggy?

What Can He Eat? said...

Wow, great lunch I love it.

Ali B. said...

I used Greek yogurt that was a little thicker and added honey to thicken it up even more. My son carries a bag that allows his lunch to sit flat and not move much. The Toosie rolls stayed a little chewy from the yogurt but they are chewy anyways so it didn't seem to bother anyone.

Nancyroo said...

That is the best turkey sandwich I have ever seen! Great job!