f I were a month I’d be December.(everyone loves Christmas)
If I were a day I’d be Tuesday.(I was born on a Tues)
If I were a time of day I’d be 5:30 p.m.(when the hubby comes home)
If I were a font I’d be curlz (fun and goofy)
If I were a sea animal I’d be a sea turtle.
If I were a direction I’d be North.
If I were a piece of furniture I’d be a big ole down couch complete with blanket.
If I were a liquid I’d be a margarita.
If I were a gemstone I’d be Opal.(reminds me of my favorite Grandma)
If I were a tree I’d be a birch.
If I were a tool I’d be a phillips head screwdriver.
If I were a flower I’d be a daffodil.
If I were an element of weather I’d be a sun beam.
If I were a musical instrument I’d be a voice.
If I were a color I’d be yellow.
If I were an emotion I’d be happy.
If I were a fruit I’d be a cherry.
If I were a sound I’d be laughter.
If I were an element I’d be iron because I am always anemic.
If I were a car I’d be a yellow VW bus
If I were a food I’d be a bowl of ice cream
If I were a place I’d be Monrovia
If I were a material I’d be corduroy.
If I were a taste I’d be sweet
If I were a scent I’d be the smell after a light rain
If I were a body part I’d be an ear
If I were a song I’d be sung by Jack Johnson.
If I were a bird I’d be a black Phoebee
If I were a gift I’d be handmade
If I were a city I’d be Monrovia again
If I were a door I’d be a barn door
If I were a pair of shoes I’d be flip flops
You got me with your Opal comment! Thanks!
One of these days I am going to get Mom to let me have one of her rings. I don't believe in bad luck for wearing them. We need to break them out of the drawer and show them off. I miss her too Sis.
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