Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week two down

I went to the nutritionist yesterday and my weigh in was down two pounds. I was wearing jeans and shoes so I would have been lower if I had frozen and worn shorts. The nutritionist was very happy with my food log, progress, and overall attitude with weight loss. So yay me!
As soon as I got home Shawn the kids, and I jumped on our bikes and off we went. I rode until my legs were jello and than we headed back and had to do the same distance back. We ended up riding 6 miles. I was in shock when we figured out it was 6 miles. It did take an hour but the weather was perfect and the kids as well as Shawn and I are getting exercise as a family. I need to teach my kids how to be healthy adults and I feel like better late than never.
Have a great rainy Wed.

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