Thursday, December 9, 2010

Week (I really have no idea, but I think 11) weigh in

Well I woke up this morning still feeling under the weather but by about 3pm I was feeling so much better. I have been putting off going back to the nutritionist because of my cheat week  or 10 days but who's counting? I made a point to go today even though I was still moving a little slow. Did I mention that I didn't cheat at all while sick. Yay me. Ok, mostly because I couldn't even keep water down but that's ok.
Anyways I went to the nutritionist today finally. I was totally freaked out to weigh in since I hadn't since a week before Thanksgiving. I was so thrilled when I got on the scale and they told me I had lost 3 pounds. I was shocked. I attribute the loss to the flu but I will take it anyway I can get it.
So nothing new other than that today. Just taking it slow and getting feeling better.
Have a great weekend,

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