Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How on earth did I forget to mention......

I am officially an Auntie again. My sister Pam and her husband Dirk had a baby on Halloween.

Welcome to the world Mr. Caleb Mattius
8 lbs. 13 oz. and 20.5 inches long
I personally think with a birthday like Halloween they should have named him Dracula, Jack, Frank, or something cool like that but I will let it slide.
Anyways here are a few cute little pics of the guys.

Other than that we started Christmas shopping last night. I know we are a little early but last year we ended up not getting or having to pay more for items the kids really wanted. We made a night out of it and went shopping and after had dinner (sushi of course)
It was a nice little date night. It is interesting shopping for our kids this year. This is one of the first years that Garrett is wanting teenage things. We went to Toys R Us and I don't think one of the things on his list was there. Pj on the other hand could be completely done at one store. So a little done and a bunch more to go.

I was supposed to weigh in tonight but Pj was invite to a bowling birthday party by his bowling league buddy so I had to change the weigh in to Thursday. Have I mentioned that all 3 boys are in a bowling league on Friday nights? Well they are if I hadn't.
So until Thurs.

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